Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Baby's First Halloween.

Here we are as a family before we head out for some Halloween fun.

This is Isabella and her friends. Can you find which one is Isabella?

What an exhausting evening of trick-or-treating with her friends!

Maybe a little more next year.


Landis said...

Oh my goodness, how cute! Love the t-shirt she is wearing. Oh, by the way, I did not know you had a blog, I am so glad that got one. I will add you into our favorites and link you up on our blog!

marissa said...

I love it!! You guys make such a cute family! Love that Isabella went trick or treating!! you guys rock!

Jenna said...

Isabella is a beautiful little girl! And you are a wonderful family :-) I miss you guys and hope to someday meet your little one... and i would love you to meet my better half, too ;-) Babies are precious!! Looking forward to someday being a mommy, too... all in His perfect timing :-)